White Cemetery Cleaning

Annual White Cemetery Cleaning Day
each August - 2nd Saturday
Dalton, AR

Ever since I can remember there was a cemetery working day at the White cem. In the pre lawn mower days everyone gathered in on the 2nd Sat. of Aug. and cleaned up the cem. (still do) Then there was dinner "on the ground" afterwards. Thats about the only time it had a general cleaning. Individuals worked on their plots thru out the year, but the fence row and vacant spots would grow up in sprouts and weeds. Limbs would fall, etc.
Now the cem. has someone to mow it, but there is still general work to do. I haven't been in three or four years. I've got lung problems and can't take the heat anymore. We used to have good crowds but as the older bunch dies off the younger ones do not take as much interest in it.
The cem. is west of Dalton a couple of miles, on the left side of the road to Ravenden Springs. I don't know what the road is called. You cannot see the cem. from the road. You have to go thru a gate and down thru a guys pasture to get to it. I think there is a sign there.

From Pocahontas take Highway 90 W to Highway 93, turn right, proceed about 12 miles to Dalton. At Dalton (just past Dalton Church of Christ) take a left on Oak Ridge Road and proceed 2.5 miles to McReynolds Rd. Just across the highway from McReynolds Rd will be a sign that reads White Cemetery. Cemetery is located off the highway about 250 yards and can not be seen very well from the highway. You can drive back to the cemetery.